Join our – IPPF Global Rebrand Committee

Help redesign the future of IPPF!

IPPF has gone through momentous changes in recent years.

Many of these would not have been possible without you, our members, on the frontline fighting for and delivering change for the realization of sexual and reproductive rights.

As IPPF embarks on an ambitious and forward-thinking Strategic Framework and initiates the process for an IPPF charter of rights, we must now seize the momentum and reposition IPPF for the next 70 years through a global charter and global rebrand.

The global rebrand will build on the momentum of the new IPPF charter and will bring IPPF’s new direction to key external audiences. The global rebrand will ensure we can effectively and meaningfully influence and lead on changing what sexual and reproductive health means in an ever-changing landscape is crucial to IPPF’s mission. It is also an opportunity to co-design with you, our members, to capture the essence of how you envision our future. We want you to feel seen and represented in the new IPPF, and we want a brand that speaks to young people, so that we can more meaningfully engage them in our work.

Will you help us transform IPPF?

MA Rebrand Committee

A dedicated committee consisting of 7 MAs who have demonstrated expertise with establishing a brand and branding/rebranding, as well as creative strategic communications are invited to join the committee.

Responsibilities of the committee include:

  • Total hours required: a maximum of 21 hours across the proposed 12-month project (12 x 1 hour monthly meetings (virtual), 6 hours for various workshops, research groups and pre-meetings (virtual)
  • Attending pre-kick off internal (virtually and in-person when possible) meetings as required on the run-up to the GA
  • Be willing to be on the rebrand panel discussion at the GA (3 members plus 1 youth)
  • Co-designing the Terms of Reference for the rebrand
  • To help shortlist the creative agency (1-2 MA members on the panel)
  • Involved in research workshops on brand perception from an MA perspective and influencing how we can engage other MAs to participate in workshops
  • Where feasible involved in initial meetings with agency and workshops
  • Monthly 60-minute meetings to with Global Lead, Comms & Digital and agency to review progress and provide feedback
  • Guide IPPF and the creative agency to ensure the rebrand is something MAs feel proud to support and see themselves reflected in it
  • Be a champion in respective regions for the MA support of the rebrand, help IPPF sensitize MAs and understand the reasoning


If you are interested in joining the MA rebrand committee. Please share a 1-page expression of interest stating the following:

  • What do you imagine your contribution to an MA rebrand committee to be?
  • Explaining why you support the IPPF global rebrand and what the envisage the added value will be to IPPF.
  • Demonstrate your understanding of branding, communications and marketing
  • Any relevant experience with rebranding that you’d like to add
  • Confirm you can meet the responsibilities outlined above.

Deadline for proposals is 26 September 2022. Please send your proposals to  

Posted in Front Page, MA Voices, News Archive

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