Message from the Transition Committee Chair

As indicated in the last update, the TC met face-to-face at the beginning of the month, which afforded constructive and open dialogue around how to better engage with youth members, the various components of the new governance structure, and the process for recruitment and interviewing candidates for the new Board of Trustees and Nominations and Governance Committee.

Following up on these discussions, the transition support teams are now preparing the draft documents related to the new governance structure based on IPPF practice and the expectations defined by the General Assembly. These will be reviewed by the TC  in mid-March and then shared with the GC and the Federation for consultation. The Terms of Reference for the General Assembly, Board of Trustees, and Nominations and Governance Committee are also in the final stages of review.

During the meeting, the TC also discussed and agreed the interview process for the shortlisted candidates, which is currently planned to take place from the 18th of April to the 22nd of April. Internal and external advertising for these roles started at the end of February, and you should have received a separate communication about this. The advert can be found here at Perrett Laver’s website, and additional information can be found on the Transition website here.

On the Resource Allocation track, the support team recently issued an external tender for a consultant to develop the Stream 1 formula and guidelines for all funding streams with a full consultation process across the Federation. Only one proposal was received and the support team and TC members are in the process of negotiating the engagement with the consulting company.

The TC also had a joint meeting with the IPPF Director’s Leadership Team (DLT). The session was honest and solutions-oriented, focusing on the practicalities of moving from Regional Councils and Regional Executive Committees (REC) to Regional and Youth Forums. There are a number of REC meetings coming up before the GC meeting in May, and a TC member will attend each of them to provide an update and answer questions. In addition, the TC sent a letter to all REC’s highlighting the implications of the reform process for the RC’s and REC’s.

Overall we are on track for all deliverables. We continue to communicate with the Federation using as many different channels as possible.

With warm regards,

Andreas Prager, TC Chair

Posted in News Archive, Reform

2 responses to “Message from the Transition Committee Chair”

  1. Jill Sheffield says:

    Amazing. You folks have been doing a HUGE amount of work. So many thanks as I know it is not easy – or convenient and extra in this rather difficult time due to the addition of the corona-virus into the equation. It is so crucial to the IPPF to continue to move ahead with determination and focus. Honestly, we now have great [if complicated] technology to help us communicate. Thank you.

  2. The Reform Team says:

    Dear Jill Sheffield,

    Thank you very much for your encouraging words.

    We hope that everyone is able to remain safe and healthy as we all continue to deliver on our collective mission.


    The Reform Team

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