Consortium Partners

Finding a consortium partner across regions

The Stream 2 Consortium Channel is currently inviting Expressions of Interest to be submitted by 28 June 2024.

Member Associations will soon be reaching out to one another in an effort to build consortia.

If you are interested in joining a consortium, you can leave a comment in the box below. That will help consortium leads to see who is interested in developing a joint concept. Please include the name of the organisation and an email address where you can be contacted.

It will be up to the consortium leads to decide whether to contact you or not. Putting your name forward is no guarantee that you will be contacted or that you will become part of a consortium.

To get information about other MAs, consortium leads can reach out to their AOC. They can also search the list of current Member Associations as it appears on

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to write to us:

Please note that it may take some time for your comments to appear. Due to high spam content, all comments are approved manually.

Posted in Front Page, News Archive, Strategy2028, Stream 2

20 responses to “Consortium Partners”

  1. Prisca Mauve says:

    We are PNG Family Health Association. We would like to be part of the consortium. We will submit a EOI for the funding as we work with Sex workers.

  2. Merndoi Incorporated is a Behaviour Change NGO in Guyana in 2007. One of our initital populations for HIV/AIDS awareness, preverntion and services was Commercial Sex Workers . Since then we have collaborated with 5 other NGOs which offer services to Male and Female Sex workers and Trans. Merundoi’s awareness programmes continue with our radio serial drama in which 3 CSWs have now gone thru the Behaviour Change cycle and have become advocates for GBV , Human Rights for LGBTQ community and Drug abuse.
    Merundoi has also been fiscal sponsor for two of the above NGOs.
    We, together with these local NGOs, are quite interested and experienced to be part of the proposed consortium .

  3. Soul City Institute for Social Justice based in South Africa is interested in in joining a consortium.

  4. AMODEFA – Associacao Mocambicana para o Desenvolvimento da Familia is interested in joining the Consortium. It is currently running an HIV and AIDS project funded by the Global Fund for Sex Workers.

  5. Family Life of Swaziland (FLAS) in the Southern Africa region would like to be part of a consortium, please reach out to if you interested partnering with us.

  6. Nisha Jagdish says:

    Family Planning Association of India ( FPA India) in the South Asia Region is interested in joining as Consortia partner in this project. If you are interested, please write to Dr Kalpana Apte -Director General, FPA India –; Or Amita Dhanu-

  7. Chama cha Uzazi na Malezi Bora (UMATI) | Family Planning Association of Tanzania is interested to join the consortia. Kindly contact the Association’s Executive Director Ms. Suzana Mkanzabi at and the Association’s Head of Programs Mr. Daniel Kirhima

  8. Community Healthcare Initiative is a Liberia base feminist national NGO, we are interested in a consortium. Kindly reach out to Naomi Tulay-solanke our ED

  9. Diana Cabral says:

    Fundheg is an organization from Argentina, in Latin America a collaborating partner of IPPF, women who perform sex work are part of our organization, and we work on access to information, care and support for cis women and with emphasis on trans women who perform the work sexual and who have been victims of violence in public places while carrying out sexual work, also offering advice for access to sexual and reproductive health, as well as their rights, we are interested in being part of the consortium, if any AM is leading it You can contact us at

  10. Promotion of Family Health Association (PFHA) of Lao PDR is a leading family health association. It is local non-profit association in Laos. We are interested in a consortium and to work on Sex Worker in Laos. Kindly reach out me,

  11. Promotion of Family Health Association (PFHA) of Lao PDR is a leading family health association. It is local non-profit association in Laos. We are interested in a consortium and to work on Sex Worker in Laos. Kindly reach out me, Dr Souphon Sayavong.

  12. Center for Population Policies and Sustainable Development – CPPSD (IPPFEN Serbia) is very interested in taking part in Consortium.

  13. Elizabeta says:

    HERA – Health Education and Research Association from North Macedonia is interested in joining as consortia partner in this project.
    HERA has been working on implementation of various programs for sex workers since 2007: ensuring direct mobile and stationary services on HIV testing and SRH for SW, capacity building, campaigning and advocacy for stigma and discrimination free services and ensuring sustainability through domestic funding of the programs for sex workers.
    In 2019, STAR-STAR – The First Collective of Sex Workers in the Balkans together with HERA won the prize for brand-new ideas that enable sex worker communities and healthcare providers to work together to provide comprehensive stigma and discrimination-free HIV prevention services.
    HERA was also actively involved in development of the IPPF Sex work policy.
    For more information please contact and

  14. Akolly Joel EKLOU says:

    L’Association Togolaise pour le Bien Etre Familial (ATBEF) souhaiterait également être membre d’un consortium.

  15. Moussa M'BO says:

    L’Association Malienne pour la Protection et la Promotion de la Famille (AMPPF) travaille depuis plus de cinq décennies à la promotion des Droits des populations surtout vulnérables , socialement exclues et à leurs accès aux services de la SDSR. Avec la crise multidimensionnelle qu’a connu le Mali, le phénomène s’est vite pris de l’ampleur avec la présence des forces étrangères. Depuis 2012, notre Association a intégré la cible (Travailleurs de Sexe) dans ses programmes, stratégies, approches d’intervention, établissement des partenariats et collaborations avec d’autres structures (ONG/Associations et Services Spécialisés). L’AM dispose des expériences qu’elle souhaiterait mettre au profit d’un Consortium. A cet effet, nous sommes disponibles à intégrer tout consortium qui sera formé.
    Pour plus d’information, n’hésitez pas à nous contacter

  16. L’Association Burkinabè pour le Bien-Être Familial (ABBEF), est une organisation basée en Afrique l’Ouest. Elle a une expérience de travail avec les travailleuses de sexe dans le domaine de l’avortement et la planification familiale. Nous avons une expérience dans la gestion de consortium de streams2.

    Nous souhaitons faire partir d’un consortium. Pour plus d’informations, prière contacter le Directeur Exécutif,, le directeur des programmes ou le chargé du partenariat
    A bientôt.

  17. Dr.Lama Mouakea says:

    We are Syrian Family Planning Association, we have been working with Sex workers by raising awareness on Sexually transmitted diseases HIV , And voluntary testing for AIDS/VCT/.
    SFPA Conducted study in 2014, with funding from the Global Fund, which targeted 400 sex workers in Syria, showed that most sex workers lack health care and awareness of sexually transmitted diseases and HIV, and the absence of health institutions or civil society organizations. The reference that provides health and social services to them to limit the transmission of sexually transmitted diseases and HIV, and thus they become more vulnerable to infection with sexually transmitted diseases and HIV as a result of multiple sexual partners, which negatively affects the health of society.

    And recently during 2024, under the support of WHO, SFPA will conduct a project targeting the high risk group, including sex workers , to raise their knowledge and information on HIV/AIDS and VCT testing will be executed for this groups.

    SFPA is interest in applying for the Steam 2 fund opportunity,
    We have the proposal for 2 years project

  18. Jô Meneses says:

    Gestos – HIV, Communication and Gender is based in Brazil and is interested in integrating a consortium.

    We have activities with people who are sex workers – mostly trans people – but we do not have a specific/direct focus on sex work. They usually join Gestos for other reasons, such as our work on trans rights or HIV issues, for example.

    You can contact us through Jô Meneses –

  19. Organización Llanto, Valor y Esfuerzo (LLAVES) estamos interesadas en ser parte del consorcio, tenemos mas de 20 años de hacer trabajo coordinado con mujeres trabajadoras sexuales, nuestro tema de trabajo inicial a sido el VIH, por eso hemos desarrollado este fuerte vinculo.

  20. The Family Planning Association of Trinidad and Tobago (FPATT) is a fully accredited member of the IPPF. We have been providing clinical services to people in Trinidad and Tobago for the past 68 years. As a part of our core, FPATT has also been instrumental in advocating and serving some of the most vulnerable segments of our society including sex workers. We bring invaluable project management experience, robust systems, recognized local advocates, a pool of experts, access to beneficiaries and other organizations that serve them, but most of all we bring a passion to serve. FPATT is interested in this call!

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