2022 Consortium Channel Now Open
Don’t miss the opportunity to apply to the Strategic Fund!
Opportunity: Build an IPPF Consortium
Theme: Gender-transformative Youth Programming
Grant: A grant of USD 2.2 million for a single consortium.
Duration: 2 years from date of agreement
Composition: Applications can be submitted by consortia of MAs, youth networks and external partners. A consortium must be led by an IPPF MA.
Here is how to apply in 3 easy steps:
- Download and Read the CALL FOR CONCEPTS
2. Send your completed Expression of Interest (EoI) Form by 03 June 2022 to: strategicfund@ippf.org
- The Expression of Interest (EoI) form is included in the Call for Concepts as Annex 1.
- The EoI registers your interest in leading a consortium. You do not need to have a full consortium formed to enter an EoI.
- Once you submit your EoI – if you meet the criteria – you will receive the full application form via email. On-going support to develop full proposals will be available for lead applicants.
3. Email your full concept application before or on 30 June 2022 to: strategicfund@ippf.org
This is an initiative that is strategic, exciting and needed. If you want to help shape the future of IPPF youth programming, then we look forward to hearing from you.
je suis très motivée par cet appel à postuler au fonds stratégique sur la programmation jeunesse transformatrice en genre , fort malheureusement qu’il Ya des formulaires téléchargeable en d’autres langues mais pas en Français, je ne sais pas pourquoi? la jeunesse congolaise aura besoin de cette belle opportunité pour transformes certains normes sociaux culturelles qui discrimine la jeune fille , qui bafoué ses droits , qui la violenté etc….
Le dernier des quatre documents est en français. La fonction de traduction a traduit le mot français par le mot anglais. Nous nous en excusons. Veuillez ouvrir et télécharger la version française.
Please use this link for French version:https://maforum.ippf.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/Stream-2-Call-for-Concepts-franc%CC%A7ais.pdf
Bonjour , la Guinée a l’enthousiasme de postuler à cet appel d’offre pour changer les normes sociciaux en defaveur des jeune en des normes en leurs faveur ,miais jusqu’à présent nous n’arrivons pas à acceder aux differents formulaires
Good day. have consortiums been formed. we are struggling to secure partnerships from other Regions other than Africa Region
l like to deal with partnership from other countries.
Bonne initiative
On peut avoir un peu plus de temps ?