Africa Youth Month: Taking Stock of Africa’s Commitments to Young People

1st November 2021 By Anita Nyanjong and Claudia Lawson. It is now slightly more than 15 years since the Assembly of the Heads of States of the African Union adopted the Africa Youth Charter in Banjul, The Gambia. Although this Charter provides a strategic framework towards consolidating an approach for the enforcement of meaningful youth involvement in […]

Posted in Regional News


Source : Family Planning Association Of Malawi Written by Andrew Bishop Mkandawire. The numbers of women screened and referred for cervical cancer treatment to Nkhatabay district hospital and FPAM mobile clinics in hard to reach areas of Nkhatabay district have been on the increase if we are to compare the period 2020 Jan–March during […]

Posted in News Archive, Regional News

IPPF DG Alvaro Bermejo’s term extended for a final four year term!

Dear Colleagues On behalf of the IPPF Board of Trustees, I am absolutely delighted to announce the appointment of Dr Alvaro Bermejo to a second and final four-year term as Director-General of IPPF through to 2026. This is not only a strong affirmation of Alvaro’s extraordinary contribution to our Federation over the course of his […]

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Namibia Debates Abortion

Namibia’s parliament is debating reforms to the abortion law that would bring the country in line with international standards on SRHR. Activists, doctors and public health experts are urging lawmakers to ensure that ‘every pregnancy in Namibia is wanted’. Read this great article by IPPF Africa Regional Director Marie-Evelyne Petrus-Barry and IPPF Board of Trustees Member […]

Posted in News Archive

Scaling Up Sexuality Education

Message for IPPF CSE round-table thank you note Despite a wealth of evidence on the benefits of sexuality education, many young people still lack access to it. Curious to know how you can work more effectively to reach large groups of young people in a sustainable way?   Join Rutgers’ Center of Excellence on CSE on 17th […]

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