Stream 1 Allocation: Update

We wanted to provide an update on the Stream 1 allocation process.

Thank you to all of you who participated in the first year of our new resource allocation process, which is an important part of IPPF’s broader reforms. Your hard work helped make this year’s process run smoothly, taught us important lessons, and helped ensure that IPPF’s unrestricted funding is allocated efficiently around the world to support your work.

The Technical Review Team (TRT) has now reviewed all submitted business plans, and sent back all necessary feedback to MAs. The Director Leadership Team (DLT) is now in the process of reviewing and finalizing the TRT’s recommendations. If you have not yet heard from the Technical Review Team with an update, please email

Since this is a pilot year for the new resource allocation process, we are eager to hear your feedback on how it went, and any improvements we could make in future years. If you have suggestions, please email them to

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