Strategy2028 Roundtables

Roundtable Format

The best way to understand the changing world is through the MAs.

Jackie Edmond, Chief Executive, NZFP

As part of the second phase of the Strategy2028 design process, IPPF will launch a series of roundtable discussions.

The roundtable concept is a means of inspiring in-depth conversation among a range of participants, who are given equal opportunity and space to discuss topics and questions posed by an impartial moderator.

The purpose of the roundtable is to infuse the strategic design process with fresh input and ideas from members, partners, sector stakeholders and clients.

Organise a Roundtable in 3 easy steps

The Roundtable series will run from May to October 2021. There is no fixed quota or limit on the number of events or SRHR topics to be discussed.

IPPF Members and Secretariat Offices are strongly encouraged to host a Roundtable to get the Strategy2028 conversation going.

To do a Roundtable, follow these simple steps:

  1. Download the tool below,
  2. Outline your idea
  3. Return the form to

The Secretariat will then make the technical arrangements, including interpretation support, to make it a reality.

Posted in News Archive, SRHR, Strategy2028

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