Strategy2028 FAQs

On Monday 19 April, Alvaro Bermejo held an hour-long webinar with the Member Associations to discuss the Strategy2028 design roadmap. There were more than 80 people on the call, from all corners of the Federation. For those who missed it, you can view the video here. There were a range of different questions, both in […]

Posted in News Archive, Strategy2028

Vaccine Equity

IPPF has issued a statement in support of WHO’s Vaccine Equity Declaration: Accelerating vaccine equity for all health workers The health workforce is the backbone of every health system and is essential to achieving the right to health for all. During the COVID-19 pandemic, community and frontline health workers – the vast majority of whom are […]

Posted in News Archive

IPPF in the News

IPPF has had strong media coverage in The Guardian today, which quotes Alvaro extensively. The UK Government recently announced deep cuts to the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office budgets, which risks bringing the UK’s development budget far below the GNI 0,7% threshold. The cuts will have a broad impact, including on SRHR programs around the […]

Posted in News Archive, SRHR

Stream 2: EoI Deadline

Today is the deadline for MAs to register an Expression of Interest to lead a consortium for the Strategic Fund 2021 – 2022 grant.  Any MAs interested in convening and leading a consortium should email the Strategic Fund by end of today to register their interest. Once an interest is registered, they will receive the […]

Posted in Resource Allocation, Stream 2

Arab World News

March 2021, Issue 2 Editorial: International Women’s Day “My destiny is to fight for a better world for women” This is how I answered one of my sons when he asked me about my reason for leaving the Moroccan Association for Family Planning to join the International Planned Parenthood Federation in my capacity as IPPF […]

Posted in COVID, News Archive, Regional News, SRHR