A “Fantastic Field of Candidates”

Applications for candidates for the Board of Trustees and the Nominations and Governance Committee closed on Friday 27th March. The external recruitment firm Perret Laver advised that there were well over 200 applications with a 50:50 gender split. They commented that there is a “fantastic field of candidates,” and that the candidate pool:

  • meets all the diversity targets (gender split, youth representation, etc);
  • has good representation from the different IPPF geographies/regions;
  • includes people from marginalized/underrepresented communities;
  • includes a number to choose from for Chair; and
  • includes candidates who fit with the majority of the skill-sets.

The Transition Committee is now in the process of selecting the top 30 candidates for interviews in mid-April. The TC will then present a slate of candidates for confirmation at the May Governing Council meeting.

Posted in Governance, News Archive

One response to “A “Fantastic Field of Candidates””

  1. Chimponda Micheal Bwalya says:

    This is great that as TC and IPPF family we are making progress in this manner the GA resolutions will surely be achieved

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